We had Hands on Nature this week. We learned about Trees this month. Some of the activities that we did were:
-A Puppet Show
-Learned about the exterior parts of the tree (Mrs. Nakhleh was dressed up as a tree)
-Checked out tree cookies (interior parts of tree)
-Built a tree using ourselves as the parts of the tree
-Tree Life Cycle Shuffle to find different stages in nature
Created a big circle which was the size of the largest tree (Sequoia)
Some things the students learned from this lesson was:
"Trees have different kinds of fruits."
"Tree rings show how old the tree is."
"Trees need seeds to grow."
"There's heartwood in trees."
"Roots can split boulders." (This was popular among student's learning.)
"There is different stuff inside trees."
"Trees have different layers of wood."
"Each part of the tree has a job: I'm big and strong (heartwood), water going up, sap going down, we make new wood and bark, and grr... food going down."
I'd like to thank Cecelia, Colleen, Lynn, and Caitlin for coming in and teaching all of the children about trees!