I hear, and I forget.
I see, and I remember.
I do, and I understand.
-Chinese Proverb

Welcome to our Firefly Second Grade Blog

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Monday, June 11, 2012

End of Year

Wow it has been a busy end of the year. We had our Spirit week last week and had a lot of fun; Wacky Hair Day, Beach Day, Board Game Day, Backwards Day and Ice Cream Sundaes. I want to thank everyone for the beautiful hanging basket and gift certificate! The basket looks beautiful on my porch and I am excited to go and use my gift certificate. Last Friday we were fortunate enough to have Corey's mom come in to our class with some friends from IBM. They talked to us about engineering and we got to build structures our of spaghetti and marshmallows. The goal was to work together in small groups and to make the structure as high as we could. We had some very successful engineers. Check out our photos above to see our creations. Jack from the second grade classroom did his Discovery table on icecream and we had the opportunity to make icecream as a class. What a treat. It was delicious and fun to make. See our photos above to see the work in progress. We also had a wonderful Poetry Slam. Every student in both Firefly and Dragonfly shared a poem that they wrote and illustrated. It was great to watch them get up in front of everybody and read their poems. We'll have to work on volume next year:) It was a successful event that we hope to do each year! Some photos of the event are in the slideshow above. Field Day pictures have finally been posted in the photos above as well. I hope that everyone has a wonderful summer. I have had an amazing year with your children. They are wonderful and I am looking forward to my time with them again next year!! Have fun and I will see you in August, Mrs. Nakhleh

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