I hear, and I forget.
I see, and I remember.
I do, and I understand.
-Chinese Proverb

Welcome to our Firefly Second Grade Blog

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Friday, November 9, 2012

Week of November 5th

It was a busy week. We had Hands Nature on Wednesday. I would like to thank Colleen, Lynn, Cecelia, and Caitlin for coming in and teaching about Predators and Prey. We learned about some animals that were prey, some animals that were predators and also some animals that were both. We put on skits that showed how prey can protect themselves from the predators. We heard a story about the cycle of life and why it's important to have both prey and predators in the world. We ended the morning by working with a partner and drawing super predators with special adaptations to help them find their prey. We learned a lot!! We were also lucky and had a visit from a women from the Vermont Symphony Orchestra. She brought several instruments from the orchestra with her and told us about the different sections that the instruments belong to. After we got to try out the various instruments thanks to some wonderful parent volunteers and student interns from UVM. I'd like to thank Kay, Kathleen, Dave, and Yutaka for helping us out. Some of the instruments we got to try out were flute, harp, cello, violin, xylophone, drums, tamborine, trumpet, trombone, and the baritone horn. We have some future musicians in our midst:) Please remember for conferences next week to bring your child with you so that they can share their portfolios with you. I am looking forward to seeing everyone next week. Have a wonderful long weekend, Nancy

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