I hear, and I forget.
I see, and I remember.
I do, and I understand.
-Chinese Proverb

Welcome to our Firefly Second Grade Blog

Check out our classroom news and student work as often as you can. We'll update it as frequently as possible.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Week of January 14th

Today was Nathan's last day with our class. He will be moving to Michigan. We had a little celebration for him to let him know how much we would miss him. Every child in the class contributed to a book we made for him letting him know what we would remember about him. I was so impressed with each of your children's responses. They wrote such thoughtful notes to him. You could tell that each of them really put a lot of thought into what they wanted to say. Each page also had beautiful illustrations. The consensus from the book was that we would all really miss his beautiful smile that greeted everyone each and every morning. We also watched a photo-story of pictures from the last year and a half of being together as a class. Nathan will be able to take it with him to remember all of us.

This week we also talked about Martin Luther King Jr. and why we celebrate his birthday each year. We watched a video called, "Martin's Big Words" and read a kid friendly biography. We also got to read about him in our Scholastic News. Students came up with their own dream to make our world a better place. These will be made into a class book. We have some kids in our class that are going to most likely make a difference in our world one day!! They had some inspiring dreams. Check out a few of them below.

Also we wanted to let you know that I now have the link up for Spring Conferences. They will be held on Monday, March 18th and Tuesday, March 19th. Report cards will be going home on Friday, March 15th. When you get a chance, please go to the link and sign-up. If you have any problems, let us know and we can help get you signed up.

Have a Wonderful Long Weekend,
Nancy and Taylor

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