I hear, and I forget.
I see, and I remember.
I do, and I understand.
-Chinese Proverb

Welcome to our Firefly Second Grade Blog

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Friday, November 21, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

Today was another Mix-It Up Day.  Our 5th Grade friends joined us in our classroom at the end of the day to participate in some fun Red Ribbon Week activities.  It's such a beautiful thing to see first graders and fifth graders building friendships and having fun together!  We colored sneakers which will be spread around the school and pledged how we can be kind to others.  Next time you are in the school look for the sneakers.  Everyone who was in school on Friday made one.  

Please make sure you read the note that came home in your child's Friday folder. It has information about the first week we are back at school and information about the craft fair.  I want to thank parents who made donations for the craft fair and who have volunteered to help out on the day.  Also students will need to bring lunches from home on Wed. and Thur. the week after break.  We are also looking for parents to help out on our Field trip to Shelburne Farms on Thurs, Dec. 4th from 9:15-1:45.  

There will be no share in December because it is a short month.  Also there is no homework going home this week because of the holiday so there won't be any due the first week in December.  

A note from Miss Blair on our team:
There is a family on our team who is going through a difficult time and could use our support. I've seen how powerful this SCS community can be in rallying together to bring people in need faith. After much discussion with the whole staff, we feel the most appropriate way to give this particular family what they need right now is through visa gift cards/grocery store gift cards/gas cards. If you can, please help us to show this remarkable family what it's like to feel the love and support I know we're capable of. Thank you in advance for your kindness.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and a nice long break!!


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