I hear, and I forget.
I see, and I remember.
I do, and I understand.
-Chinese Proverb

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Friday, October 16, 2015

Week of October 12th

I hope everyone had a nice long break last weekend! 

This week in math we have worked on measuring with unifix.  Our measuring theme was based on the book, "Jack and the Beanstalk" so we measured giant size beans (receipt tapes cut to different sizes).  We also talked about what perimeter is and measure the perimeter of different size garden beds cut out of paper.  Next week we will work on using a number line to help us add together 2 digit numbers.

In Reader's Workshop and Writer's Workshop, we are now talking about informational text (non-fiction books).  In Reader's workshop we have looked at informational text and talked about how we grow knowledge when we read these types of books.  We he book practiced looking through a book and thinking about what would teach us about.  In Writer's Workshop, we are now writing books that teach the reader about something.  We have some books being written about how to take care of pets, how to ride a bike, how to play minecraft, and books on different types of animals. 

In Social studies, most of us got on to google maps and looked at where our houses are located on a map.  Some of the students had some difficulty getting signed in and will check this out next week.  On Friday we were fortunate to have our Technology Integrationist come in and show us how to use Google Earth on the ipads. 

I look foward to seeing everyone next week for conferences.

Have a wonderful weekend,

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