I hear, and I forget.
I see, and I remember.
I do, and I understand.
-Chinese Proverb

Welcome to our Firefly Second Grade Blog

Check out our classroom news and student work as often as you can. We'll update it as frequently as possible.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

1/2 Music Concert

April 5, 2013

Dear Parents:

Just a reminder: The 1st and 2nd grade students will perform their program on Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Please join us in the SCS large gymnasium at 6:30PM as we perform a variety of songs. Students should arrive in the cafeteria at 6PM. (Only 5th grade assistants should arrive earlier)

Our program will shown live, on channel 16, as well as over the Internet, through a password-protected site! Special thanks to RETN for their media support. Since this program will also be available for viewing afterwards, you may wish to come and enjoy the program, and let our amazing camera crew take care of the videotaping!

Please share the following link with those who cannot be at our program!

The live stream channel on UStream.com is called "SCS Concerts."

There will be three steps to joining the concert stream:

1. Because it is a private stream, people will need to enter the following URL directly into their browsers:

2. From there you will be asked to enter the password on the "Password Protected Show" screen:
the password is "burritt" (all lower case)
Then click on the "Let me in" button

3. Then on the SCS Concerts channel player screen click on the gray field and enter the password again under "Password Protected Channel"
same password - "burritt"
Then click on the "Send" button

From there you will see the stream.

Hope that's not too complicated, but that's how we can protect the stream with a password.
Thank you.

                                                                        Diana Burritt

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