I hear, and I forget.
I see, and I remember.
I do, and I understand.
-Chinese Proverb

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Friday, April 12, 2013

PTO April News

There was much discussion about the TRAFFIC ISSUE IN THE CIRCLE.   One issue being that nobody is allowed to stop in the fire lane the other is how to effectively and safely manage traffic in the circle during drop-off and pick-up.  Lots of ideas were discussed and the principals will be considering them and looking for a viable solution.
The DYNAMIC DATES fundraiser made $1494!  Thanks to everyone who participated and congratulations to the winners of the fabulous dates!

The HANNAFORD HELPS SCHOOLS program brought in $666. 
The FLOWER POWER FUNDRAISER is happening now.  You should have received a brochure from your youngest child.  If not and would like one please contact Randy Sweeney (sweeneyrs@gmail.com).  Orders are due by April 15.

 The PTO GRANT COMMITTEE gave out over $5400 in grants to teachers and staff.  Grants included instruments for 6-8 music program, middle school history texts, ipads/ebooks and itunes vouchers for the library, headphones for the computer lab, new books for 3-5 grade classrooms and recess equipment.
A NIGHT OF COMEDY - Josie Leavitt, comedian and owner of the Flying Pig Bookstore has organized a night of comedy at the Old Lantern in Charlotte on Friday, May 10 at 7:30p.  The event will benefit the Shelburne and Charlotte PTO's and will feature local comedians including Josie Leavitt and our own 1st/2nd grade teacher Sally Stevens!  Come out to be entertained and support the PTO.  This event is ADULT ONLY.

HIKE IT!  BIKE IT!  - Walk to School Wednesdays will be happening during the month of May.  Meet at the town green at 7:30a to walk to school.  A new biking effort is encouraging students to bike to school from home on Thursdays and Fridays with friends or family.
PTO sponsored, visiting Artist JON GAILMOR is here this week working with many K-4 classes and all 5th grade classes songwriting and learning about music and performing.  The 5th graders will be performing their original songs on Thursday, April 11 at 6p.

This month the school conducted another SCHOOL WIDE INTRUDER DRILL that confirmed that staff and students have a clear picture of how to respond appropriately to such an emergency.


  • Thurs. April 11 - Jon Gailmor/5th grade performance
  • Fri. April 12 - Holden "Neon" Middle School Activity Night
  • Tues. April 16 - 1st/2nd Grade Chorus Concert
  • April 22 - April 26 - School Vacation
  • Tues. May 7 - Staff Appreciation Luncheon
  • Friday, May 10 @ 7:30p - Night of Comedy to benefit Shelburne and Charlotte PTO's (adult only!)  At the Old Lantern in Charlotte
  • Thursday, May 23 - Jog-A-Thon (rain date, May 22)

  • PTO Co-Chair - Interested in finding out more?  Contact Randy Sweeney
  • 1 Gift Wrap Co-Chair - We have 1 already signed up but need another.  These 2 co-chairs will "shadow" the current co-chairs during the 2013-2014 school year then take over for the 2014 - 2015 school year.
  • Staff Appreciation Luncheon - Servers, bakers, etc.  Contact Valerie Richardson (Valerie @estimated.com)
  • Jog-A-Thon Volunteers - Contact Alice Brown or Randy Sweeney
  • Help working in flower gardens - C:  Lisa Williams (lisawvt@hotmail.com)

  • Teresa Shuptrine and Rita Daley for the flowery bulletin board
  • Kim Schmitt for organizing the Dynamic Dates fundraiser
  • Everyone who attended the spring grant meeting

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