I hear, and I forget.
I see, and I remember.
I do, and I understand.
-Chinese Proverb

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Friday, October 11, 2013

October PTO Minutes

PTO Minutes– October 8, 2013
Principals Report
UA Curriculum night will take place on October 22nd
Building committee formed to look at upgrades to facility and maintenance of big ticket items. Forum on November 12th
Great attendance by the SKAT program 86 kids attending per week (separate from after school athletics)
Part 2 has 70+ kids after school, starting to increase programming
Professional development: Math Studio for teachers

Treasurers Report
Genevieve fundraiser is behind estimates: estimated 8k net fundraising vs 13k in 2012
Delayed the budget approval until November to adjust Genevieve fundraising numbers
Discussed team donations: should they go through the school directly and not through PTO
Discussed possible reasons why there was a reduced gift wrap sale this year
Don't forget box tops and Hannaford Helps Schools (end Dec 1)

 Fundraising Update                                                                                                    
Genevieve Gift Wrap – estimated 8k net fundraising vs 13 k in 2012
School Directory Business Listing - has brought in an estimated $1,717.42(plus $750 from Volvo & Health Living still to come in)
Amazon School Rewards Program - we will be placing a link on the school website where people can click on it, order things off of Amazon and SCS will earn money off of every $$ that is spent.  More information to follow shortly.
Donate Online – you can now donate online to the SCS PTO through Paypal https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=83QQ22GDZFRLJ

Fund Spending Update
School Directory - Printing Estimate $1400
Visiting Artist Program - we will not be using Jon Gailmor this year and instead we will be doing a program with the Flynn Theatre and integrating the arts into the classrooms
Fall Grant Committee Meeting – will take place on November 4th from 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm.  Anyone interested in participating in this committee meeting, which awards grants to teachers and staff, is welcome to come.

Mark Your Calendars                                                                                                                 
Walking Wednesdays - every Wednesday in October (meet at 7:30 at Jaime 2 Coats or the Parade Grounds)
Newberry Cup Bake Sale – October 12th
UA Curriculum Night – October 22nd
Genevieve Gift Wrap Distribution – October 22nd

Help Wanted                                                                                                  
Flower Gardens (lisawvt@hotmail.com)
PTO Bulletin Boards (sweeneyrs@gmail.com)
Newberry Cup Bake Sale (amybknight@gmail.com)
CY Mentor Program (aliceandy@myfairpoint.net) - Alice Brown is the new coordinator, a great opportunity to help kids that can benefit from an extra adult relationship in their life.  Mentoring takes place once a week during the school day
Sign Up to Volunteer Online - you can sign up to volunteer any time online:

Other Business                                                                                                                               
Parent Education Nights – Amy Buckley, the new SAP Coordinator is working with the Burlington Police to hold a event to discuss cyber bullying and monitoring.  This even will be appropriate for all ages.
Coat Drive – kids and adult’s warm winter gear is still needed.  The drop box is right in front of the Front Office
Parent Survey – a survey will be sent out shortly with questions to parents on how to raise funds, what sort of events people want to see, and where should the money go
After School Programming - Matt Wormser discussed different opportunities for parents to help lead after school programs, 1, 4, 12 week curriculums? Math club, Spanish, cooking, anything! What sort of after school enrichment can you help support?
Facebook – be sure to “like” us on Facebook and keep up to date with everything happening at the school

Thank You’s    
Genevieve Gift Wrap - Ginger Williamson and Zynnia Seidita for heading this up and Jennifer Cairns, Dawn Fragola, Lisa Merrill and Jana Cowan for their help getting the sheets reconciled
School Directory – Dawn Fragola and Corinne Levinthal for their help soliciting business listings
PTO Bulletin Board – Rita Daley and Teresa Shuptrine

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