I hear, and I forget.
I see, and I remember.
I do, and I understand.
-Chinese Proverb

Welcome to our Firefly Second Grade Blog

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Friday, September 18, 2015

Week of Sept. 14th

This week we started the week with a writing celebration.  We had a special snack and shared our published stories with our tables.  Students did a really nice job with their first piece of writing that they took through the publishing stages of editing and making it better.  I have these pieces and will share them with you at our October conferences.  Students brought home their other pieces of writing at the beginning of the week.

On Wednesday we had Fire Prevention Day.  Some Volunteer Firemen came to our team (One of our parents who is a Volunteer Fireman made a guest appearance as well.) and talk to us about what to do in case of fire like throwing a pillow out the window in case they are stuck in their room and yelling for help, having a plan of escape that their family has practiced so they know what to do, checking the door with the back of our hand to see if it is hot before we go out of our bedrooms, etc. We then went outside and practiced Stop, Drop and Roll and crawling through a smokehouse with fake smoke.  We then got a tour of a fire truck.  The class had a great time!

In math we continue to work on mental strategies to add more efficiently.  We also worked on solving story problems that involved adding to, putting together, taking apart and comparing with unknowns in all positions.

In writing we are working on Small Moment stories.  Students are learning to generate ideas, act them out and then write down into a story.  We talked about what a story needs to be a story.  Next week we will pick a piece to edit and make better.

Next week is Picture Day.  Our pictures will be taken on Tuesday.  Picture packages will go home on Friday.  The forms to order pictures are in your child's Friday folder today.

We will have a guest author visiting the school on Thursday, October 8th.  Dave Pilkey, author of "Captain Underpants" books will come in to talk to students in Grades 1-4.about being an author.  Order forms went home in today's Friday folder if you are interested in ordering one of his books from the Flying Pig.  Orders must be back next Friday, Sept. 25th.  They will not except any late orders.

Have a wonderful weekend,

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