I hear, and I forget.
I see, and I remember.
I do, and I understand.
-Chinese Proverb

Welcome to our Firefly Second Grade Blog

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Friday, September 25, 2015

Week of September 21st

I can't believe that September is almost over!  What a fast month it has been. 

In math we have finished up Unit 1.  Next week we will start Unit 2 which focuses on place value and adding 2 & 3 digit numbers together. 

In writing we continue to write small moment stories.  We are focused on stretching out our small moments.  To do this we have practiced acting out with our partners what we want to write about and this helps us know what words we want to write in our story.  We also use our partners to talk through what we want to write.  Next week we will focus on adding precise language and editing our work.  We will also pick one piece to publish.

In Reader's Workshop we have been focusing on character development in stories.  We have read several picture books as a class and talked about who the characters are and how the author has developed them through the story. 

In word study, we continue to work on separate lists in groups dependent on what we need.  We have practiced our words with partner sorts, sort and write, and word hunts.  Please ask your child what they do for each of these.

In Social Studies we have continued talking about Community.  This week we talked about different members of our community and their jobs.  Then the class created a sheet on an ipad app that showed what they want to be when they are older and why.  How that person will contribute to the community and how they contribute to our community now.  I'll share these at conferences.  Next week we will finish up our community unit and will begin our Physical Geography unit. 

We are still looking for Hands on Nature Volunteers.  If you are available, please let me know. 

Have a wonderful weekend,

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