Convene at 6:05
Introductions with many new faces
Biggest meeting yet!
Reviewed/Approved minutes
Principals Report:
-school recognized as a top performer in the state
-Part 2 after school is off to a great start: 71 kids in the census already, a nearly 50% increase
-lots of professional development over the summer
-enrollment stable @763
-reviewed line items
-budget approval in October
Team Reps Update:
-straightened out curriculum nights
-signed up team reps
Fundraising Update:
-directory sales are up to $1620 already
-can now donate online through Paypal
-looking to a new fundraiser for Red Barn potentially
Ideas: Yankee candle, Equal Exchange, Plant Sale w/Red Wagon, Amazon storefront
-Price Chopper tools for school
-Hannafords helps schools
-Genevieve fundraiser starts 9/10, ends 9/24 use team name not teacher
-now have photo cards!
-80% of profits go to the teams
Sally Stevens talked about visiting artist program
-Flynn Artists/integrating the arts
-brought in two artists from the Flynn using a grant
-One hour of planning, 4 hours of in class help
-$3500: $1000 PTO and $2500 grant
-fund using visiting artist program
Mark your Calendars
Walking Wednesdays on the town green at 7:30 (in front of Jamie Two Coats)
12 Oct: Newberry Cup Bake Sale
22Oct: UA Curriculum night and Genevieve Gift Wrap distribution
Help Wanted
-School directory data input (
-Flower garden help (
-PTO bulletin boards:
-Newberry Cup Bake Sale:
-gift wrap distribution on 10/22:
-ALSO REMEMBER: you can sign up for helping at any event at any time online. Access through the PTO website: Default.aspx?PageID=365
Other Business:
cold weather clothes donation box will be out soon. The sooner you
donate the better. Lots of folks use all of these donations
Thanks yous:
Rita Daley and Teresa Shuptrine for the bulletin board
Valerie Richardson and Teacher's Breakfast helpers!
First Day Greeters
Everyone who filled out a volunteer form
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