I hear, and I forget.
I see, and I remember.
I do, and I understand.
-Chinese Proverb

Welcome to our Firefly Second Grade Blog

Check out our classroom news and student work as often as you can. We'll update it as frequently as possible.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Week of September 16th

We made it through our first full week of school!  Wednesday was tough with the heat but your children were troopers and we got as much accomplished as we could.  We switched the day around so that we could get through math when it was a little cooler. 

In math this week we have been focused on workplace routines and looking at how numbers are structured using tally marks, popsicle sticks, double ten frames and our number racks.  We talked about how the teen numbers are 1 ten and then some more ones.  For example, 14 is 1 ten plus four more.  We learned to recognize this quickly on double ten frames and number racks by seeing the ten right away and then counting up by 1s from 10.  Your child brought home a number rack that they made in their Friday folders today.  They can practice this skill at home with you.

In reading and writing, we continue to talk about routines and what to expect during this time.  Today some of the children found books to put into their book boxes to start using next week.  Those who did not have time today will do this on Monday morning.  We had a lengthy discussion about how to choose a "Just Right Book" and where they should be looking in our classroom library.  Ask your child how they should find "Just Right Books" at home to read.

In Social Studies this week students have been working on an "All About Me" balloon.  They have answered questions about things like their favorite memory, if they had 1 wish what would they wish for, a picture of their family, what their favorite meal is and lots of other questions.  These will hang in the room when they are finished and they will share them with their classmates. 

In Fundations we continue to work on handwriting with lower case letters.  An expectation this year as 1st graders will be to use upper case letters only when appropriate.  This will not happen immediately, but will be something that we will be working towards throughout the year.  Please encourage your child to do this at home as well. 

I am still looking for a couple of volunteers for our Field Trip at Shelburne Farms.  We will be doing some team building and visiting with the animals at the Farm barn.  Let me know if you can help.

Homework will begin coming home, next Friday, Sept. 19th.  I will talk about how this works at our Curriculum Night this Tuesday, Sept. 17th at 5 pm in Deb KillKelley's classroom.

Just a note that conference sign-ups for October are posted on our website and their is also a link on the blog on the right hand side.

Have a wonderful weekend,

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