I hear, and I forget.
I see, and I remember.
I do, and I understand.
-Chinese Proverb

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Friday, September 27, 2013

Week of September 27th

The past couple of weeks in Social Studies we created balloons that have information about ourselves such as our favorite dinner, our favorite subject, if we had could have one wish what would it be, if we could meet a famous person who would it be, our favorite instrument, and something that we are proud of. On Monday we had the opportunity to share what we wrote and show off our decorated balloons. Check out the pictures of us sharing in the slide show. Ask your child about what they shared.

In math we have been working with non-standard units.  We measured objects in the classroom with popsicle sticks and unifix cubes.  We also had a lesson on measuring a jump rope with various student feet.  We talked about why we were getting different answers and how important it is to use an object that is the same length when measuring and how it is important to have no gaps and not overlap when measuring. 

In Reader's Workshop, we have been talking about how readers are like runners.  They practice to get better and they set goals to help them get better.  We are working our way up so that we can sustain quiet reading for the whole Reader's Workshop.  We are doing pretty well with reading for 30-35 minutes.  We are also continuing to work on finding our "Just Right" books. Next week we will begin our reading groups.  Check out the pictures of us reading during Reader's Workshop.

In Writing this week we started our "Small Moment" stories.  We are working on stretching a small moment of time over 3 pages.  We talked about how we need to come up with an idea, find the book we would like to write it in, plan out what we want to say by touching each page and saying what will go on it, then sketching the important parts and finally getting our words down on the paper.

Also I wanted to let families know that we practiced a drill today that was originally known as an intruder drill but we now say "Clear the Hallways and Secure the building" in case questions come up at home.  This is a drill we practice in case there is ever a threat to students/staff members.  If you have any questions, please let me know.  I don't want to post details on-line. 

Have a wonderful weekend,

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